The Age of Autonomous Robots Is Upon Us
The Age of Autonomous Robots Is Upon Us
March 29, 2016
News Article

Signe Brewster
March 2016

Visit a small business in 2016 and you might notice a fresh face in the room: a robot.

Hulking robotic devices have long been a fixture on factory floors and in other heavy industrial environments. And the dirt-sucking Roomba and its peers, rudimentary versions of the humanoid butler Rosie from The Jetsons, are certainly popular in homes across the country.

But a new class of robots has arrived, promising to be simple enough for a small team to build and cheap enough to justify the effort. There are robots that monitor and stock shelves in grocery stores. There are robots that will mow the lawn for you. There are cars that will drive themselves, office assistants that require regular recharging, and food delivery guys that won’t ask for a tip.

Read more at Fortune.

March 29, 2016
News Article